The Rise and Rise of Education Costs in Australia

The Australian Scholarships Group[1] recently announced that Australian parents could soon be paying up to $65,829 to educate a child at a government primary and secondary school. For average families of two or three children this represents a significant financial commitment for many Australian families.

According to Matthew Lane from Wealth Fundamentals and an Authorised Representative of Fortnum Private Wealth, education is among the largest expenses faced by Australian families and one that is about to get even larger.

It is critical that parents are prepared and that begins with awareness.  For many people, they simply do not realise the significant cost of educating their children and of course, this cost increases dramatically if parents have desires for private school education.

“The key is to begin planning early, considering a realistic savings strategy before children begin school and that continues throughout the schooling years,” Matthew said.

For parents whose children will go on to tertiary studies, there is little chance of the costs abating as they can expect to pay between $6,152 and $10,240 per child per year for the three or four years of an undergraduate degree, depending on location and discipline[2].

And Australians would be unwise to rely on government loans to cover their children’s tertiary education expenses.

Indeed, the 2015 Intergenerational Report[3] states that government spending per higher education student is projected to fall from $11,800 in 2014-15 to $9,400 in 2054-55.

Furthermore, government funding does not cover the additional costs of books, materials, union fees, participation in clubs and sports, transport or accommodation.

Many parents will need assistance in first calculating the likely cost of education for their family and then setting out a financial strategy that will enable them to achieve their education goals for their children in relation to their other financial commitments.

“Appropriate strategies may include savings accounts, term deposits and investing in shares and managed funds and implementing specifically designed education financial plans,” Matthew said.

But according to Matthew Lane, shoring up children’s education involves more than just savings as parents need to be realistic in terms of catering for the long term commitment of schooling, by anticipating the impacts of future unexpected events.

“It is essential for parents to consider unforeseen events that could jeopardise their financial position, such as sudden loss of income through injury or illness or, in the worst case scenario, death or disability of one or both parents.  While savings for the kids’ education may sound straightforward, in reality it involves many interrelated factors and this usually requires professional advice,” Matthew said.

Matthew said that experienced financial planners will recommend strategies for parents to protect themselves and their family from unwanted events that could deprive them of their income and their family’s ongoing financial security, including funds earmarked for their children’s future education.

Matthew also said having appropriate personal insurances in place for both parents is important and this needs to be approached in tandem with asset protection structuring and estate planning. In the event of a claim for the untimely death of one or both parents, it is important that financial matters are clearly documented so that the family may recover as quickly as possible and ultimately achieve all their financial goals, not only those for education.

Wealth Fundamentals financial planners are available for consultation with parents to discuss education savings strategies within the context of your whole-of-life financial planning arrangements.  To find out more, contact Wealth Fundamentals on 07 3720 1299.

[1] ASICS MoneySmart website, accessed 17 June 2015 at

[2] Indicative undergraduate fees for Australian students, University of Queensland website, accessed 18 June 2015 at

[3] 2015 Intergenerational Report, Australia in 2055, accessed 17 June 2015 at