If you are in the process of building a secure future for your family, it’s important to consider how you can protect that future. Like many other people, you may not be protecting your most important asset… your ability to earn an income.
Personal Insurance: The devil is in the detail
When it comes to personal insurance, having some insurance is better than nothing, however just having an insurance policy in place does not mean you are adequately insured. If you hold your personal insurances through an Industry Super fund, you may not have the insurance cover that you think you do. The true value of any insurance policy comes in the wording of the policy. The devil really is in the detail.
Show me some discipline
Super Challenge #3 - But I thought I was covered!
If you have Life Insurance, Income Protection or Total and Permanent Disability Insurances held through your Super Fund... it doesn’t mean you are covered.
In the third of our “Super Challenge” series, we challenge you to check on your insurance cover. It may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Unfortunately, without checking most people only find out that their insurance is inadequate when they need it most – when they make a claim.
Could your retirement plans be derailed by unexpected events in the lives of your offspring or grandchildren?
If you are a pre-retiree or retiree, could you afford to financially support your adult children and/or your grandchildren if they faced serious injury, illness or worse? How would your income stream be affected and what would be the long-term ramifications for your retirement lifestyle? Here, we outline some important considerations for protecting your retirement and the wellbeing of those you love.
Safeguarding your income
Imagine how different you and your family’s life would be without your income. Home and car loan repayments, day-to-day household expenses, children’s school fees and the occasional treat or trip are just some of the expenditure that depends on your ability to earn an income. This asset should not be taken for granted. Here, we collate our top three benefits of securing income protection TODAY.
Can you AFFORD to fall ill?
1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 and, on average, every 10 minutes someone in Australia suffers a stroke. They’re staggering statistics. If you were among them, could you afford to cover the cost of your medical expenses and your other ongoing financial commitments?