
Frequently asked financial questions

Our ability to improve financial outcomes is based on years of experience of helping clients of all ages and stages of life… even for our most financially savvy clients.

Here we share the answers to some of our most frequently asked financial questions.

Cashing in or racking it up? Make 2020 count.

Your 40’s and 50’s are important years for making good financial decisions. While you are most likely earning a good income and enjoying your current lifestyle, have you thought about how you can continue that lifestyle in retirement, when you are no longer earning an employment income? Let’s face it, retirement isn’t that far away.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing... use ours!

Don’t wait for the benefit of hindsight when it comes to making the most of your finances.

Many people hold off seeking financial advice until they are in their pre-retirement years, but the fact is you can gain the most financially by seeking professional advice much earlier.

Super Reforms - What you need to know

What do I need to do about the Super changes?

With so many legislated changes to Super coming into effect on 1 July 2017, it can be difficult to know which affect you and what you need to do. There may be actions you must take before June 30 to avoid penalties, and now is also a good time to review your Super strategy to make the most of your retirement savings.

Click below to view our Super Reforms checklist which helps you understand the changes and how they may affect you.

"Living the Dream"... for now

You may be enjoying your current lifestyle, earning a good income, paying off the mortgage as well as having a little left over to enjoy the finer things in life. You could say you are “living the dream”.

While you may be enjoying your lifestyle now, have you thought about what steps you might take in order to sustain your current standard of living in your retirement years, without your employment income?

It's time to get Super organised

The legislated superannuation reforms mean there is a closing window of opportunity to move funds into your Super before contribution caps (before-tax and after-tax) are reduced. It really is time to get Super organised.

Changes to Superannuation legislated in November 2016, could have significant implications for contributing funds (both pre and after-tax) into your super. What you need to know:

Super Challenge #2 - Get involved with your Super Investment Strategy

If your goal is to proactively grow your Super savings by tens of thousands of dollars by the time of your retirement, rather than ignore it and hope it's enough when your retirement comes around, it's time for you to get involved and take our Wealth Fundamentals “Super Challenge” and learn about, or even better, get involved with your superannuation investment strategy.